Kira Lugo

musings, music, & epiphanies…oh my!

Looking back at 2011…

on December 31, 2011

Here are a few of my favorite things from 2011:

The album Everyone Meet Here by Nathan Veshecco. Here is just one gem from an album of many…”Zombietown” ft. Taryn Sprenkle & Apollo’s Sun.

The album Secret Codes & Battleships by Darren Hayes. This song is one of the most beautiful tracks of the year and came to me at the perfect time…like always.

Pinterest. I dig you. A LOT. As if I needed any more “distractions” online, right? My only excuse for needing an invite to be a part of this community was that it gives me great inspiration and helps with my organization skills….Really!! I’m serious!

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This song…

A few memories that made the year special…

I am so grateful for new friends and reconnecting with people I haven’t spoken to in years as well. This year has had it’s ups & downs just like any other but I know for me…it’s been a year of growing and change. I fully embraced my need to write and have committed to becoming a published author. Sometimes we lose track of what’s important to us…we lose our fire…if it weren’t for the people and experiences of this year my fire might not be burning as bright. I feel excited and inspired and determined to reach for the stars. And that is my wish for all of you. That 2012 finds you reaching for the stars…don’t be afraid to let the world know who you really are…and by all means…pour your heart out to someone.

Big love,


One response to “Looking back at 2011…

  1. ShantiLynda says:

    What a great New Year’s Eve post! One of my highlights of 2011 has been the experience of living in the same town again with you, Brian and the boys. It’s a joy to be nearby and to see how EVERYONE in the family is growing and changing! Love and Happy, happy New Year!

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